
Um, so we had a bad summer?

Yes guys, unfortunately, summer is ending, and soon this blog will be overrun with crap!it's snow posts and crap!it's school posts, most likely in that order.

So while I dig up those Misfit's first day of school scans to celebrate (just like Canadians celebrate Snow) back to school time, I'd like to ask, who remembers doing those "What I Did This Summer" essays?

You know, the ones with "This summer I got stuck on an elevator with some blind guy and his totally vicious dog" and "This summer my tent got taken over by yellow jackets".

Or, it you wanted to get real creative, you could have started with "How I Survived"

Like Emma Frost has.

I hate adding images on blogger. this stupid too much space always happens.


Kevin said...

Oh LOL, I'd probably appreciate Calgary weather. I like cold and dry.

Hey, you can actually highlight the space, with your cursor, and delete it. Alternatively, you could also just put your cursor at the end of your post, and then hold the DELETE button until the space is gone. Try it out!

Emma Frost, boy that gal knows how to spend her summers!

Anonymous said...

You have a dirty, dirty mind. Seriously, read the last line of your comment and just...wow, you're sick.


Kevin said...

Hey! I never meant that D=.

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