
Hot Cover Post- Dark Avengers #7

Hi Everybody, yeah I'm still around. This week I'm writing about the cover to Dark Avengers #7, which is drawn by Mike Deodato and he also does everything but write, Matt Fraction is writing and rainer Beredo is coloring.
These Guys all have cool names!
I really like how they made this cover, because they make the bad guys look really big and the good guys look small, like how it seems when superheroes are fighting bad guys. Norman Osborn standing over Emma Frost also lookes really nice. She looks like a witch who is putting together a spell and Norman looks like he really wants it to work. Emma's hands look weird and she seems really tired though. Also, Norman looks like he put braids in his hair. WHY WOULD HE DO THAT?
I know some of the small characters, but I don't know who the guy on top of angel is or who the guy in blue and purple is. The others are Professor X, Cloak and Dagger (they're from Runaways) Wolverine, Venom, Ares, Ms.Marvel, Angel, and centry. I think the guy with the power beams is Havok but he looks really lame in that costume.
I would give this cover a 4 out of 5 because I like it but it's kind of dark and also gets boring if you look at a lot.
I think I will get this comic when I go to the comic store because it looks interesting and it is part of Utopia, which happens in San Fransisco, so I can see if they drew in any places I know and my brother also said the other comics in Utopia are good so this will probaby be a good story.


Kevin said...

hmmm the guy in blue/purple is Bullseye, a Daredevil villain, disguised as Hawkeye. He once defeated a street rat with his own booger! The guy on top of Angel is "Marvel Boy," who died of cancer and then came back from the dead during Secret Invasion.

I have no clue who the red/white costume guy is, but his costume colors remind me of Alpha Flight. It seems like he's part of the All-New, All-Action Dark X-Men. Maybe Cassie would know who he is?

What I like about the finalized cover, is that it's also framed by that little UTAPIA frame in the comic book, so it's more than Marvel's preview art!

Anonymous said...

Just read the issue. the red-and-white guy is.....Captain Candada! No such luck. He's Weapon Omega.

Kevin said...

Oh, that one guy who was introduced in "Marvel Comics Presents." Meh.

As for Captain Canada, Cassie. . . one can only hope ;)

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