
Hey Everyone, Chase has a garage band!

At least that's what I thought when I heard the Runaways "Theme Song" (http://marvel.com/videos/746.The_Runaways_Theme_Song_Music_Video)

Ahem, how do I put this lightly...70's-ish Bon Jovi-style rock...but more early-Weezer style, with the kind of little riffs and bits the Jonas Brothers or Marianas Trench might use. Plus, the repitition of the word "Parents" in this Rolling Stones-ish way is funny in the way an overweight fanboy chasing Bendis is. You're not supposed to laugh...but...
The lyrics are so obviously geek-written, but it's not really that bad when you think about it. I mean there's writing a theme song, then there's writing a Theme Song (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ywwmGyi9TQ) This is nothing like that, thankfully.
Still I always thought a Runaways theme song would sound different than this. How? I dunno. Just less....road trip with Dad's old CD's riding into the Nevada sunset....

Shut Up, Summers. So my pick for a Runaways theme song? These two would work-

Yeah, Maybe I am a little nuts.


Kevin said...

Whaaaaaaaat? I click the link to Marvel's site, and I listen to Old Men Trying To Be Hip, and then BOOM! It's just an ad for Runaways! What a rip-off.

I can see the other two as a theme song, but both are missing a crucial Runaways theme: pet Velociraptors genetically engineered and brought from the future!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, i was gonna put the dinosaur song on, but barney and the Savaga Land high council threatened to sue. LOL.

Registered Minions! Bwahahahaa!

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