
Top Five July 5-11


With an ominous Jae Lee cover and Humberto Ramos pencilling (parts so if you don't like his stuff, it's not like he's doing the whole issue) this is flashback, flashback, and more backing up Norman Osborn's Dark X-Men. Check out this preveiw and the freakin' awesome variant! Emma's blowin' bubbles!

#4- DC's Wednesday Comics #1

Supposedly a buck of newspaper strips starring the DCU folks. Initiall, an unecessary concept, but they've got some hot names on the creators list. Click the link above to see the full list.

Marvel Adventures Super Heroes #13

Just click and read the solicit. If you don't chuckle a little bit, you obviously sold your soul to Trigon. And we all know Nick Fury ditched the proposed schematics after.

Marvel 70th Anniversary Essntials Collection

For all of us who wish we had those pivotal backissues, but really, really can't afford them. This is actually cheaper than other trades on the market, ans wayyyyy less than the 1000's the actual issues would cost.

Supergirl:Cosmic Adventures in the Eighth Grade #6

Decided to go with a nice, fluffy, all ages book for this week's #1.
I recently read some of the back issues we've got lying around the house (like I said, geek family), and this series is actually surprisingly realistic. I mean, we all imagined this stuff in the eighth grade. Can't stop laughing at DC editorials use of "frenimies" though.


Kevin said...

Fact check! Wednesday Comics is actually 4 bucks an issue. This I know because, if it WERE a single dollar, I'd DEFINITELY be getting it, and I'm not =(.

I originally read that as "Buildings are the best dogs in the world. . ." I should get some sleep, but I think beagles are where it's at.

I've managed to semiconvert my older sister to some stuff, like Fables, but I don't have much in the way of a geek family =/.

Anonymous said...

Spell check! I meant "bunch!"

Registered Minions! Bwahahahaa!

How Many chibis Have been in your Brain??

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